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Biographical Information
Name(s) Masaharta
Age Unknown
Sex Male
Status Theban High Priest of Amun
Height 170 cm
Culture Egyptian
Date(s) 1054-1045 BC
Site Unknown
Current Location
Location Luxor Museum of Mummification
Catalog # DB 320

Son of Pinedjem I, who was the Theban High Priest of Amun and ruler of Upper Egypt from 1070 BC. His father then declared himself as pharaoh in 1054 BC and Masaharta succeeded him as high priest. His mother was Duathathor-Henuttawy, the daughter ofRamesses XI, last ruler of the 20th dynasty. His aunt Tentamun, another daughter of Ramesses married Pharaoh Smendes I, who ruled Lower Egypt. One of Masaharta's brothers was Psusennes I, who followed Smendes's successor, the short-lived Amenemnisu as pharaoh.1


It is an unusual looking mummy due to its rotund appearance, which may have been exaggerated due to the expansion of embalming materials (chiefly sawdust, resin, and strips of linen) under the skin (cf. Duathathor-Henttawy-A above.) G. Elliot Smith describes it as having a "grotesque, ourang-outan-like (sic.) appearance." He notes that the face was painted with red ochre of the same color as that employed for representations of men in wall paintings. Smith also records that the hands of the mummy, although placed in a manner intended to cover the pubic region, failed to reach far enough to accomplish this due to Masaharta's corpulence. The High Priest's stoutness also necessitated a change in the position of the embalming incision, which in his case was parallel to Poupart's ligament instead of higher up on the abdomen.2


Masaharta did not last to succeed his father, he died possibly after an illness. His mummy shows that his was a very large man, he did build a set of sphinxes at the Great Temple of Karnak. He seems he died around Year 24, he spent under 10 years in his role as priest and army commander.3

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1.Aidan Dodson & Dyan Hilton, The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt, Thames & Hudson (2004) ISBN 0-500-05128-3, pp.200-201

2. View 21'st Dynasty Theban Royal Mummies from DB320. Retrieved January 07, 2017, from

3. Masaharta. Retrieved January 07, 2017, from
