Mummipedia Wiki
Human Mummy
Biographical Information
Name(s) Nefret-Mut
Age 33
Sex Female
Status Singer
Height 4'11"
Date(s) Discovered in 1906, approximately 2900 years old
Site Excavation site
Current Location
Location Egypt
Catalog #

Nefret-Mut, a singer in a temple in Thebes, was discovered in Egypt in 1906, and it was brought to the Royal Ontario Museum in 1914. Scientists determined that she lived 2900 years ago.


Nefret-Mut was found near two coffins - one made for a woman and one made for a man. In 2007 scientists confirmed that Nefret-Mut was a female and, therefore, which coffin was hers. The inscription on the coffin read "Nefret-Mut", meaning "beautiful one of the goddess Mut."


She was was 4 foot 11 inches, and died at about age 33.

The mummy was dated to about 945 BC, during the 22nd Dynasty. The use of CT scans discovered that while she was mummified and her internal organs were removed, that her tongue had also been taken out, which is not consistent with mummification practices as Early Egyptians believed they would need their tongue to introduce themselves in the next life.


The cause of death has not been determined but CT scans revealed she had had children, and died at about age 33.


There were messy hieroglyphics painted onto the coffin in childish writing, where her name would have been, but it was not legible.

While examining her coffin painted flowers were used as a female determination, and an image of the woman was painted on the front. Beside it was written her name, Nefert-Mut.

Researchers called her Justine until her real name was translated.

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