Mummipedia Wiki
Human Mummy
Biographical Information
Name(s) Shepenmehyt
Age 40-45
Sex male
Status High ranking
Height Unknown
Culture Egyptian
Date(s) 600 B.C.
Site Unknown
Current Location
Location Unknown
Catalog #

Shepenmehyt died about 2,700 years ago. He is one of the mummies owned by the British Museum in London. His coffin indicated that he was a Sistrum Player in the Temple of Amun Re.


The scans of Shepenmehyt confirm many of the previous findings about mummification processes in ancient Egypt. For example, a hole in a bone above the nose confirms the suspicions of how the brain was removed.(Lafee,S.). The coffin has a checkerboard pattern around the edge. Many of the characteristics are typical of 25th Dynasty coffins of the Besenmut family. (Pischikova, 2005)(Lafee,S.)


Picture courtesy of The British Museum


He is one of the mummies who has been viewed by CT. The body was lifted out of her coffin, however the new technologies and quality of the CT scan allowed a much better image than ever possible, while maintaining the wrappings around the body. (Lafee, 2005)

One of the Egyptian mummies used in Project Horus, an examination of more than 50 Egyptian mummies to establish the prevalence of atherosclerosis before the modern era.

A whole body CT scan was taken, probable or definite atherosclerosis was noted in mummies in all four geographical populations: 29 (38%) of 76 ancient Egyptians.

Sex was determined through biological anthropologic assessment of the genital/reproductive organs and morphology of the pelvis, femur, and skull. A biologic anthropologist (M.A.T.S.) estimated the age at death through assessment of the architectural changes in the clavicle, humerus, and femur.

External Links[]


Lafee, S. (2005). Mummy Clearest. Retrieved from

Pischikova, E., Budka, J. (2014). Thebes in the First Millennium BC. Retrieved from:
