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Taizhou Woman
Wet mummy
Biographical Information
Name(s) Taizhou Woman
Age 40-50
Sex Female
Status Unknown
Height 150cm (4ft 11)
Culture Ming Dynasty
Date(s) ~1300s
Site Discovered by road worker from a road under construction
Current Location
Location City of Taizhou, Jiangsu Province, China
Catalog #

In 2011, in Taizhou, Jiangsu Province, China, construction workers were clearing the way to widen a road. During excavations, at approximately two meters, the construction workers hit a large object. After contacting a team of archaeologist from Taizhou Museum, the area was excavated. They were all surprised to find that the object was a tomb.


Inside of the tomb, they found a three-layered coffin. The innermost was layered in silk and linens, covered in a brownish liquid. Beneath the linens was discovered the remains of a female. It was noted that her eyebrows, forehead, skin, hair, jewellery and clothing were still intact and perfectly preserved. The mummy's clothes were made mostly of silk, with a little cotton


When the archaeologists, from the Museum of Taizhou, examined the woman, they did not know if the brown liquid she was submerged in was purposefully there, or if it was just groundwater that had gotten in to the coffin over time. The temperature and oxygen level in the water were believed to be perfect for preservation, bacteria could not grow, and decomposition was slowed down.



She is one of three mummies found. She was buried with a large number of luxury goods , including a jade ring, a silver hairpin and more than 20 pieces of Ming Dynasty clothes, ceramics, ancient writings a silver hairpin, which is a typical decorative in Ming Dynasty. At present, the women's age at death is unknown, but her face showed no wrinkles and is assumed to have been young when she died; "She is definitely adult, but not an old woman."


There was no trauma or deterioration noted in research.

External Links[]

Article-1362957208C-0D77000005DC-131 634x389

Oliver, P. (2011, March 8). She's aged well: Face of incredibly preserved 700-year-old mummy found by chance by Chinese road workers. Retrieved from

Hans, R. (2011, March 26). Archaeologists find Ming Dynasty mummy in China. Retrieved from
