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Husbäke Man
Human Mummy
Biographical Information
Name(s) unknown
Age 15-20
Sex male
Status dead/bog
Height 175m
Culture pre-Roman period
Date(s) 765–520 BC
Site Vehnemoor, Edewecht
Current Location
Location Landesmuseum Natur und Mensch, Oldenburg, Niedersachsen, Germany
Catalog # OL 5933

Husbäke Man, also known as Husbäke II, is a bog body discovered on 15 October 1936 inside a Torfstich (peat bog) in Edewecht, Lower Saxony. Husbäke Man was found lying face down, the skin remained hydrated, and had a "waxy white to light grey" color. The body was fully preserved from head to feet. The body was then taken to the State Museum in Oldenburg. There was no other options to preserve Husbäke Man other than drying it, so the skin appears leathery and dark today. Dissection report revealed that no other objects were found inside the body (Both et al., 2011).


It is a bog body,  it was naturally mummified in a peat bog.


The colour of the hair appears red but it was dyed by the chemicals in the peat bog. At the time of his death, his hair would be light brown or blond.

A skin sample from the bog body determined a calibrated date for the remains of 765–520 BC. Osteological analysis of the remains found this individual to be a male, about 19 or 20 at the time of his death, while stature was estimated as ranging between 5 ft 8 in and 6 ft 2 in.

Along with Bockhornerfeld Man and Neu-England Man, the body is a permanent collection on display at the Landesmuseum Natur und Mensch with the Husbäke man in Oldenburg, Germany.


There was no sign of violence found in its body. The lying face down position suggests that he might have accidentally fallen and drown in the mire (Bechara, 2002).


The project of the Virtual Bog Body has cooperated with Landesmuseum Natur und Mensch to virtually construct the head of Husbäke Man.

External Links[]

Link to Virtual Bog Body

Landesmuseum Natur und Mensch, where the body is presently located

Article translated from the excerpt in Mann von Husbäke 1936 (Wikipedia German)äke_1936


Both, F., Fansa, M., & Gräf, J. (2011). Faszination Moorleichen. 220 Jahre Moorarchäologie (1st ed.). Mainz: Verlag Philipp von Zabern.

Van der Plicht, J., Van der Sanden, W., Aertsa, A., & Streurmana, H. (2003). Dating bog bodies by means of 14C-AMS. Journal of Archaeological Science, 31(4), 471–491. doi:10.1016/j.jas.2003.09.012

Bechara, F. G. (2002). Histologische, elektronenmikroskopische, immunhistologische und IR-spektroskopische Untersuchungen an der Haut 2000 Jahre alter Moorleichen. Retrieved March 13, 2016, from
